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Managing Menopause With Physiotherapy

Managing Menopause with Physiotherapy involves developing an understanding of the symptoms of the condition and how to treat them. Women often experience physical symptoms and mood swings during this time, and they may also experience a decrease in their bone density. However, physical therapy is the perfect way to combat these problems and help women get back on track and feel their best. Fortunately, physiotherapists can help patients cope with menopause and its effects by offering effective exercises and advice.

Exercises in the water are particularly beneficial for menopausal women because they reduce stress on muscles and joints. The Bouncy effect helps protect the joints from the stresses of movement. Exercises in the water are especially beneficial for arthritis sufferers, as the Bouncy effect helps relieve pain and swelling. Vitamin D supplements can be beneficial for menopausal women. You can consult a naturopathic doctor about supplementation. You can also talk to a physiotherapist to get more personalized advice on what diet you should follow.

There are numerous symptoms associated with menopause. Most commonly, these will manifest as changes in a woman’s period pattern. A woman may experience unusually heavy or light periods or an irregular pattern throughout the duration of her menstrual cycle. The severity of these symptoms depends on the individual and may interfere with a woman’s daily life. Physiotherapy can help with both the physical and mental symptoms of the condition.

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