
890-890-2010,   7089-188-188

Online Physiotherapy for Elder People

Elder people or senior citizens need a lot of support in different walks of life. Old age brings a lot of degenerative changes in the body especially leading to joint pathologies and pain, muscle weakness, reduced endurance, etc. In this Context Online Physiotherapy for elder people can work great. 

online physiotherapy for elder

PhysiQure Geriatric care programs

These negative changes lead to physical and emotional dependence on the care takers. Medicine cant solve the problem of functional dependence. Physical Therapy or Physiotherapy for elder comprises of carefully designed exercises for the old age people to help them lead a healthy and less dependent life.

PhysiQure Geriatric care programs are really helpful programs.


key benefits of the Elder care program are

Improved Endurance

Improved muscleStrength

Improved joint flexibility

Improved Quality of Life and Functional independence

Our team of expert Physios work to make Old age enjoyable rather than a burden. You can opt for Video consultation with our expert team of Physios via Physiqure App. or visit our Advanced Physiotherapy Centre to know more.
Think of Elder People Care, think of PhysiQure!!!

Bhopal's First Residential Rehab/ Online Physiotherapy for Elder Clinic

physiotherapy for elder
Physiotherapy for elder care