Exercise & Physiotherapy for Paralysis Patients
One of the most common disabilities resulting from stroke is paralysis or the inability of a muscles or group muscles to move. The movement of muscle is triggered by the messages sent from the motor function of brain which controls this. In paralysis these actions are inhibited which results in ill malfunction / malfunction of muscle / body.
Paralysis is a medical condition where a person experiences a loss of muscle function in the body and suffers from loss of any feeling in the affected part. It can either affect one side of the body, known as hemiplegia, or both sides of the body, known as diplegia.
Paralysis can be caused by various reasons – most common reasons are spinal cord injury, head injury, stroke and multiple sclerosis.
Physiotherapy has proved to be of great help to Paralytic patients as this movement science helps to reduce muscle wasting as well as helps to restore movement. In the initial phase repetitions of Passive movements help to maintain muscle structure and prevents complications like pressure sores, disuse atrophy, etc. Your Physio will guide you to follow proper techniques as well as splinting and positioning to prevent complications. Massage is highly contraindicated in these patients as it tends to increase Spasticity thereby making the muscle difficult to stretch and may cause injury.

Your stroke paralysis treatment will be completely customized and patient centric as every patient is different and we ensure quick recovery from stroke for you. Through physiotherapy, our expert team will curate a systematic plan that will help in improving blood flow and work towards strengthening the muscles of the affected body part.

We at PhysiQurewill play a key role in recovering from condition and suggest the right path towards quick and long-lasting recovery from stroke paralysis. Beware of quacks who may misguide you delaying recovery.
Think of Paralysis Recovery, Think of PhysiQure!!!