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Shoulder Injuries Can Be Recoverable With Physiotherapy

Shoulder injuries, while they are sometimes avoidable by simply resting the shoulder, can lead to chronic pain and restricted movement, which are often characterized by slinginess and an inability to advance in any forward direction. This often results in avoidance of any activity that requires strenuous movement, such as lifting or even sitting down, which can affect both the physical and mental health of the patient and can put a strain on the relationship between the patient and their social network, family and friends.

Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of shoulder injuries are treatable with physiotherapy and non-surgical methods, but this does not mean that one should not seek medical advice when the symptoms begin to arise.

A qualified Physiotherapist will be able to assess your case and recommend a course of treatment that will help you achieve shoulder injury recovery. This may include ultrasound therapy to repair damage to the rotator cuff or other parts of the shoulder joint, or manual techniques such as gentle stretches and strengthening exercises to strengthen your muscles at the shoulder area.

The main thing to remember when it comes to shoulder injury recovery is that it is important to make sure that you get the right kind of physiotherapy from the right person. If you choose to go to your local hospital physiotherapist instead of a trusted physio, find out as much about their experience and qualifications as possible before committing to treatment. A good Physiotherapist will have a wealth of knowledge about how the body works and how to access its natural healing and rehabilitation properties.

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