
890-890-2010,   7089-188-188

Physiotherapy for Bursitis and Gluteal Tendinopathy

A physiotherapist can use a combination of different techniques to address bursitis and gluteal tendinopathy. In some cases, passive therapies can help relieve symptoms, while other methods may be more invasive. However, if you’re not able to perform any normal activities, physiotherapy can be beneficial. If you have not been able to perform daily activities due to your injury, your physiotherapist can prescribe the best exercises to help you recover.

During treatment, targeted hip abductor strengthening is necessary to correct the underlying causes of your pain. You may also need to retrain your muscles to move the affected hip. You may be able to practice adduction control during everyday bodyweight tasks such as standing on one leg, descending a standard step, or lifting heavier objects. Once the pain subsides, you can progress to more complex movements and increase your resistance.

In addition to physiotherapy, your doctor may also prescribe a pain-reduction program to help reduce your symptoms. A physiotherapist may recommend a combination of physical therapy and a physiotherapy program to help you feel better. Your therapist will work with you to modify your activities so that your condition does not deteriorate. Moreover, your physiotherapist can prescribe the right exercises that can strengthen your hip musculature.

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