Spine Health
How to Keep Your Spine Healthy & Happy at your age Physical Health – Neck Pain, Back Pain, Lower Back Pain
Years ago, Socrates, the great Philosopher said, “If you would seek health, first look to the spine.” Decades have passed but the saying stands true even in today’s era.
Human Spine is the most important and sensitive part of one’s body and deserves all attention and care. Our spine is divided into Cervical, Thoracic, Lumbar and Sacral segments.
The natural curvature of the spine is very important to adjust to the required movements. These curves develop as primary and secondary curves during a child’s growth.
These curvatures may lose their natural shape and become exaggerated or obliterated due to abnormal stresses being put on it for prolonged periods of time. Lumbar and Cervical segments of spine are the most affected parts mainly owing to long hours desk jobs or computer works. Spending lot of time looking at mobile screens may also lead to straightening of the neck curves causing pain and stiffness.

Low back pain is very common now a days and chiefly is due to reduced intervertebral disc spacing because of stiffness. Sitting continuously for 8-10 hours on a chair doesn’t allow proper movement at the lower spine and causes spinal changes in long run.
We need to understand that movement is life.
At PhysiQure, our expert Physios design Ergonomical programs for Corporates and make it a point that your health doesn’t suffer due to your work. Generalized, group and individual sessions are specially designed to keep you fit, active, and in shape, help strengthen your spinal muscle fit and flexible. Flexibility is the key to better spinal health and PhysiQure makes you fit.
Think of good Spinal health, think of PhysiQure!!!