Post Surgical Physio
Physiotherapy after surgery has gained much importance in recent times. Earlier it was thought that Physiotherapy is limited to certain conditions and not probably indicated in Post-surgical conditions. But soon it was realised that the debility caused due to surgery can’t be recovered until unless its under expert guidance of a movement specialist.

This led to the birth of a branch of Physiotherapy for post-Surgical conditions. There are a lot of complications which could be avoided with the post-surgical Rehabilitation protocol.
It is indicated after almost all types of surgeries like
- CABG (Open heart surgery)
- Neuro-surgeries
- Knee or Hip replacement surgeries (TKR/THR),
- Onco-surgeries
- Transplant surgeries
The primary goal of post-surgical PT is to make the patient mobile at the earliest and reduce changes of debility and so the complications. This needs thorough knowledge of the Surgery and the precautions and DO’S and DON’Ts as a little carelessness may lead to serious damages.
Healthy recovery depends on how early the patient is made to sit up and moved out of bed. The skills and techniques of a competent Physiotherapist makes it tolerable for the patient to comply to the protocol and the trust helps them moving.

At PhysiQure, we provide best post-surgical Physiotherapy services at clinics and also at home to help you Rehabilitate and Recover. Our team of expert Physios make a truly patient tailed Physiotherapy program keeping in mind the short-term and long-term goals and monitoring the progress.
We believe in designing the best suitable plan for our patients ….Think of recovering from a surgery,, think of PhysIQure!!!