Physiotherapy and Pilates can work hand-in-hand for a variety of injuries and conditions. Physiotherapy is an exercise technique whereby the patient performs specific movements in order to alleviate pain. In contrast, Pilates uses different muscles to build strength and tone. Therefore, patients with back pain should get a pilates session in conjunction with physical therapy. A physiotherapist will assess a patient’s range of movement and muscle strength and make sure that exercises are appropriate.
In addition to focusing on correct form, Pilates can also be used to improve the performance of athletes. In addition to strengthening and releasing muscles, Pilates exercises can help retrain the body to move correctly after an injury. For example, football players are challenged with their core muscles through dynamic postures. While Pilates is great for athletes and general health, physiotherapists are experts in injury rehabilitation and musculoskeletal issues.
Physiotherapists can also teach pure Pilates to clients. They know that learning how to engage the core muscle is essential for every human being. Having an engaged core muscle supports the lower lumbar spinal joints, which can help prevent micro movements and injuries. Therefore, physiotherapists and Pilates practitioners work hand-in-hand. The combination of both disciplines is essential for achieving results. So, why Pilates and physiotherapy is so beneficial?
The benefits of Pilates and physiotherapy are clear. Pilates has become increasingly popular in Western societies, especially among athletes and people with musculoskeletal problems. As a result, pilates classes are taught worldwide and benefit millions of people. When combined, pilates and physiotherapy are beneficial for all ages. They can be used as a complementary therapy to each other in many different settings.