Muscle Pain Physiotherapy in Bhopal
Myalgia or muscle pain results commonly due to muscle strain as a result of over stretching.
Muscle pain may also originate from inflamed muscles, which may be a result of overuse. Muscle pain may be accompanied with muscle soreness, plus reduced muscle function including muscle weakness, stiffness or tightness.
One may also suffer from fatigue-related muscle strain that may be due to sustained postures, commonly it shows in people who have desk or computer jobs and they maintain the same posture for 8-10 hours. Neck pain, shoulder and back pains are common postural fatigue-related muscle strains.
Myalgia may also be a result of overdose of exercise. It is known as DOMS or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.
Physiotherapy as the preferred mode of treatment for Muscle pains as it aims at –
Reducing muscle soreness
Improving muscle flexibility
Preventing further damage
Improving muscle strength
All these measures help in muscle recovery and thereby reduce muscle pain. PhysiQure is the one stop solution for muscle pains as are Corporate Ergonomics packages are specific plans that target the most vulnerable desk job groups and incorporate preventive exercises as well as individualized and group sessions.
Being the best Physiotherapy clinic in Bhopal, PhysiQure has advanced PT modalities as well as a team of truly competent and expert Physios to help you tackle your muscle pain. We make sure that these aches don’t hamper your work and your spirit. Our treatments are advanced, result-oriented, individualised and hassle-free.