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What Causes and Symptoms and Treatment of Sciatica with Physiotherapy

This article will address the causes and symptoms of sciatica with physiotherapy. If your sciatic nerve is pinched, you will be feeling pain down your leg, and sometimes in your foot. Sometimes it can feel like an electric shock or burning. There are several different reasons that sciatica can develop. Many times the pain will start in the lower back area, and then it moves down one leg, or both legs at a time.

Main causes of sciatica

One of the primary causes of sciatica is a herniated disc. This can be a sharp pain that is localized to one side of the back. Sometimes it radiates down towards the hip area. Sometimes there is only a mild pain, but it can be debilitating. A herniated disc can be extremely painful for some people, but generally they are treated with medication, and rest.

Another main cause of sciatica is a slipped disc. In this case, the disc is not sliding correctly, which can lead to pain. This usually happens to people that are overweight and are in their mid to late thirties. Sciatica can become very severe if left untreated, so it is important to seek treatment of sciatica with physiotherapy as soon as possible.

Other causes of sciatica include herniated discs, and muscle sprains. Often both of these situations will cause some type of pain. Sprains occur when a muscle is strained, and while this can definitely be painful, it is not usually serious.

Herniated disks happen when the nucleus pulposus protrudes out of the disc and is felt as a sharp pain. Both of these situations are easily treated with physiotherapy exercises designed for sciatica pain relief.

As you can see, sciatica is caused by many different situations, and so there is no one specific treatment. However, there are a number of things that will increase your chance of sciatica treatments. These are quitting smoking, avoiding alcohol, exercising on a daily basis, and receiving massages.

Physiotherapy for sciatica will allow you to reduce your pain and symptom levels. If you are having sciatica symptoms, you should see a physiotherapist as soon as possible. The sooner you visit a professional for diagnosis and treatment, the less pain and discomfort you will experience.

A physical therapist can perform a variety of exercises to help you regain normal function. And in many cases, you can get the results that you want by performing exercises along with physiotherapy treatment.

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