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Meet Anubha Singhai | Founder at Physiqure | Editor in chief PHYSIOTIMES

This week’s spotlight features Anubha Singhai, who is a founder of Physiqure and editor in chief for PHYSIOTIMES. She wears multiple hats during her day since she is a founder of Physiodesk and of course a Mother to an 11 year old boy, Arnav! Starting from a simple background Anubha built herself from scratch.

Interview with Anubha Singhai | Women Entrepreneur | Founder at PHYSIQURE & PhysioDesk |Editor in Chief at PHYSIOTIMES

Our aim is to bring to our community some of the unique and compelling stories from the start-up ecosystem. As part of this endeavour, we invited yet another passionate entrepreneur Anubha Singhai for an exclusive interview with us.

एल.एन. मेडिकल कॉलेज एवं फिजीक्यूर हेल्थकेयर के साथ हुआ अनुबंध

भोपाल- कोलार रोड स्थित एल.एन. मेडिकल कॉलेज भोपाल एवं सेवाकुंज हॉस्पिटल इंदौर 100 टेली हेल्थ कियोस्क शुरु करने जा रहा है। यह कियोस्क फिजीक्यूर के सहयोग से मध्यप्रदेश के अलग-अलग स्थानों पर कियोस्क स्थापित करने के लिए एलएनसीटी यूनिवर्सिटी के चांसलर जेएन चौकसे, यूनिवर्सिटी के प्रो. चांसलर डॉ. अनुपम चौकसे एवं फिजीक्यूर की संचालक डॉ. अनुभा सिंघई के मध्य अनुबंध पत्र पर हस्ताक्षर कियें इस अनुबंध पर डॉ. अनुपम चौकसे बताया कि एक जिम्मेदार स्वास्थय संस्थान होने के कारण हमारा कर्तव्य है 

PHYSIQURE is a Platform that is a clear fusion of #Technology and #physiotherapy to achieve Awareness, Reach, Quality Care, and Retention of Patients.

The Sanskaar Valley School

Commit to be fit! Focusing on the importance of health and wellness, a health workshop was organised in sopaan by dr anubha singh.

Highly grateful to Honorable Minister, MSME, Mr. Om Prakash Sacklecha Ji for appreciating PHYSIOTIMES- India’s leading Physiotherapy magazine. #education #india #physio#physiotherapy#physiotimes

Paralysis is not a full-stop in Life, it’s only a comma.

PhysiQure specializes in Paralysis Rehabilitation. Where there is will, there is a way!!! #hoshangabadroad #PhysiQure #rohitnagar #mandideep #Sagar #physiotherapist #physiotherapyinparalys

For the best Physiotherapy Services, visit PhysiQure. 

#Physiotherapy #hoshangabadroad #rohitnagar #mandideep #indrapuri

Kids need a customized Physiotherapy Approach. PhysiQure is well – equipped and determined to give the Best Paediatric Physiotherapy in Bhopal. #Paediatrics #Physiotherapy #hoshangabadroad #rohitnagar #mandideep #indrapuri

Notice the Symptoms before it’s too late

PhysiQure is proud and delighted to announce GERIATRIC RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION CENTRE WITH ASSISTED LIVING’ with Deepak Bhandari ji, Group Preet Aikya.

A Physiotherapist Can…

PhysiQure’s 6th Advanced Physiotherapy Clinic open now at Mandideep inaugurated by Honourable Minister MSME Shri Om Prakash Saklecha ji.
#physiotherapy #physio

Extremely Proud and Grateful to Billennium Divas for putting my journey so beautifully in “EVES AGAINST THE ODDS “

Physiotherapy awareness camps

Physiotherapy awareness camps


Urjasvita Samman given to Anubha Singhai for PhysiQure as Best Startup
Talk on Post Covid Physiotherapy on DD MP
Opening of PhysiQure's Sagar clinic
women's day physio offer