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Muscle Spasm: Causes, Precautions and Treatment

Spasms are also known as muscle cramps. It happens when a muscle contract and cannot relax back. These can affect any muscle and are very common. Thighs, calves, foot arches, wrists, ribs, belly, and occasionally along the shanks are the most popular places for muscle spasms.               

Key Features:

  1. How does a muscle spasm feel?
  2. Who will have muscle spasms?
  3. What causes muscle spasms?
  4. How to tackle muscle spasms?
  5. What to Avoid in muscle spasms?

How does a muscle spasm feel?

Muscle spasms vary from moderate to extreme pain in severity. The spastic muscle may feel more painful to handle and/or noticeably distorted. It can display obvious twitching signals. Spasms will normally last from seconds to 15 minutes or longer and can recur several times before leaving.

Who will have muscle spasms?

Muscle spasms can happen to anyone at any time. You may experience a muscle spasm, whether you are old, or young. It can happen while you’re walking, sitting, exercising, or sleeping. Some people are vulnerable to muscle spasms and frequently feel some physical discomfort. The individuals at highest risk for muscle spasms are, however, children, adults, people who perform over-exercise, disabled people and athletes.

What causes muscle spasms?

  • Insufficient stretch prior to physical exercise.
  • Muscle tiredness.
  • Heat temperature workout.
  • Potassium, magnesium and calcium electrolyte imbalances.

How to tackle muscle spasms?

  • Stop doing what triggered the muscle spasm
  • Spread and rub the spasmodic muscle carefully.
  • Keep it stretched until the spasms end.
  • Apply cold or heat to tense/strain muscles

If the muscle spasm is serious, you need to consult a doctor to treat it. The spasms can be correlated with underlying causes.

What to Avoid in muscle spasms?

The following measures will avoid cramps:

  • Avoid dehydration. Every day, drink plenty of liquids. The sum depends on what you eat, activity level, weather, fitness, age and medicine. Liquids allow the muscles to contract and relax and retain hydrated and less irritable muscle cells. Refill fluids periodically and continue to drink water or other beverages after stopping.
  • Stretch the muscles. Stretch before and after a prolonged period of muscle use. If at night you appear to get leg cramps, stretch until bedtime. Quick exercises, such as riding a stationary bicycle a few minutes before bedtime, will also help to reduce cramps during your sleep.

Most people have also experienced muscle spasm in their lives. Have you ever found that when you go to sleep and drift off occasionally, your whole body unexpectedly twitches unchecked? Ok, this sudden wakeup call is a muscle spasm. 


Muscle spasms may occur from being exhausted to being stressed to some medical conditions because of many other factors. In many cases, occasionally occurring muscle spasms are not troubling but read more about when your muscle spasms can need checks with your doctor.

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