
890-890-2010,   7089-188-188

August 2021

Why Physiotherapy is a Must for Elderly Peoples

The most common reason to seek treatment is for tennis elbow, a form of arthritis that results from overuse of the forearm muscles (also called the forearm extensor muscles) in everyday activities such as writing, eating, and playing sports. The wrist and forearm bones are usually weak and lack the elasticity to prevent injury. As […]

Why Physiotherapy is a Must for Elderly Peoples Read More »

Why Choose Physiotherapy Treatment for Tennis Elbow?

The most common reason to seek treatment is for tennis elbow, a form of arthritis that results from overuse of the forearm muscles (also called the forearm extensor muscles) in everyday activities such as writing, eating, and playing sports. The wrist and forearm bones are usually weak and lack the elasticity to prevent injury. As

Why Choose Physiotherapy Treatment for Tennis Elbow? Read More »

Vital Role of Manual Therapy in Physiotherapy Practice

Manual Therapy is a very important aspect of physical therapy. The importance of Manual Therapy is underestimated at times and sometimes it is totally misunderstood by patients and the physiotherapist. There are many patients who have problems with mobility, but they are unaware of that fact because they think that Physiotherapy is just about the

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